
_Autism life skills_Coffee Shop_Menu Workbook_Order and Learn3able2learn_mental health_anxiety_coping strategies_autism and anxiety_autism speaks_aba resources_teacher resources_flashcards_pecs_picture exchange_life skills_how to order from a coffee shop_tim hortons_1

Using Pecs To Order From Coffee Shop: Pages 10

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Using Pecs To Order From Coffee Shop: Pages 10

This program is a fun, functional, training activity for your students in Life Skills. Use the pecs to learn about the different items that are available in a coffee shop.

Print out, Laminate and cut up the pictures. They can be used as picture exchange, as flashcards, or teach speech.

You can tailor the program to suit your student with many options or a few options.

Use this program to teach how to order,  pay , wait for your order and sit down to eat. The possibilities are endless with this program.

Pair this program with our Coffee Shop Social Story and Functionals Skills Match Program. 


This free evidence based visual recipes for children, youths and even adults is created using simple instructions to teach the independent life skill of cooking.  I love family time activities, or taught to be used as vocational skills training. This is a great free visual recipe to teach essential life skills.  

Use these recipes and comprehension sheets as part of a language program.

This free visual recipe tastes great and is an amazingly motivating visual recipe to teach essential cooking skills. It is a great recipe to use at home to teach essential life skills. Easy to implement in a life skills class.


 Try this free visual recipe to learn essential life skills for independence. Download the free visual recipes that is suitable for your family. Great to be used as part of a homeschooling program, autism cooking class, or school education program or in a ABA program. Be Creative!

This recipe can be used in a autism cooking class, school education, ABA, ABA program. It is easy to use with free printable worksheets, all you have to do is download it. Laminate the worksheets, and you can cut out the pictures and use them as flashcards.

Don't forget to check out our amazing visual recipes on our youtube channel able2learn.


Don't forget to watch our amazing video on why we should teach Cooking to our children.


 Our recipes include an easy to follow picture recipes for all children and youth based on academic research, grocery list, comprehension  sheets, dollar up sheets and task analysis for the teacher or parent. 

Our Visual Programs Use Colour Coded Measuring Cups and Measuring Spoons to assist those learners who are unable to distinguish between sizes. They can be found in the Able2learn Shop.

Cooking is important to learn independent daily living skills, vocational skills in culinary, reading, social skills, speech development, auditory processing, following directions, sequencing, and learning fine motor skills.

Many children including those with Autism and other developmental disabilities are visual learners.  Based on numerous studies, research shows skills can be maintained when children learn through visuals in a fun and interactive environment. Our visual recipes are evidence based and will provide a foundation for your child to learn necessary independent skills that are important in life. Many school programs do not look at teaching functional skills for independence.  Able2learn's  visual recipes can be found in three different levels attempts to fill this gap. 

Our visual recipes come with a literacy component intended to help those children who require to work on language and literacy skills. Able2learn  understands parents are busy and the cost of therapists can be expensive. In our recipes, we have included a data sheet already completed for parents and teachers to use. 

Did you know adults living with ASD have shockingly low independent living skills  with less than 5% living on their own. 45% require 24 hour care and live with their aging parents. Less than 10% have necessary independent day-to-day household skills such as laundry, chores, and meal preparation. Our program attempts to address these staggering statistics.

From our family to yours, we encourage learning and hope you enjoy these materials. We want to see all of our children reach their best potential.

Please leave some feedback and share us on social media.


