
Able2learn Life Skills: Functional Math, Financial Literacy,  ABA resources, free ABA resource

Tim Horton Coffee Shop Pecs , 10 Pages

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Learn To Order At A Coffee Shop
Learning Language , Print, Verbal, Non Expressive , One to One Matching

Teaching complex langauge can be difficult. Finding resources, creating them, or buying them can put alot of stress on a professional and a parent. I have created complex language cards to help teach your student language  

Use the Pecs to Order at a Coffee Shop Using a Choice Board  

Other Uses are:


1.. Matching Program

Print out the pecs twice. Match the pictures and say the word  

2. Learning To Read

Write out the words to the picture. Laminate and cut out the words. .  Match the word to the picture.  

3. Journal Writing

Have your student write or say a sentence using the pec and draw a picture.  You can use one of l out free journal writing books 

If you have comments, suggestions and would like to share material or research for our large audience
please send it to use at or
From our family to yours, we encourage learning and hope you enjoy these materials. We want to see all of our children reach their best potential.

Please leave some feedback and share us on social media.


Rohan and Nina  

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    Posted by Anthony Snider on 2023 Sep 28th