276 Carlaw Ave #200
Toronto, Ontario
This program has 8 Pages
With the high cost of living, Able2learn created the matching program for you to practice with your child. Matching is an important skill in academics and, daily life.
How To Use The Program:
Laminate the sheets , cut out the flashcards and, practice with your child to put the pieces together. Use the opportunity to ask who what where questions, to learn parts of an object, and categories. Download one of our data sheets and token boards to accompany the program.
Level 1
In this level there is a colour guided matching board to learn the skill of matching.
Level 2
In this level the colour guided on the matching board are removed.
Level 3
In this level, there are flashcards. The child matches using flashcards. Play matching games , speech games, question games, memory games and much more with these cards.
Visual Discrimination is the ability of the child to be aware of the distinctive features of forms including shape, orientation, size, and color.
Some children can have difficulty finding the subtle difference between objects. Dr. James Partington often refers to this skill as "paying attention to fine detail."
Not paying attention to fine detail can affect children in different ways. Some may have difficulty in reading, math, differentiating between coins, letters and numbers. For example, bad and dad may look the same to a child.
Able2learn has put together many different activities to help your child with visual discrimination and visual preception. Browse through our programs. If your child has Autism Spectrum Disorder, "ASD", we reccomend purchasing the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills -Revised (The ABLLS-R), and purchasing our assessment of the ABLLS-R. The assessment can only be done with the purchase of the ABLLS-R. The ABLLS-R is parent friendly, easy to understand and implement.
In this program, the child sorts pictures that are not identical to each other. Level 1 has a sorting board that is colour coded and, colour coded to the flashcard to help the child learn and master the skill. When the child is ready download level 2, to master the skill without any visual prompts.
These materials were created to give parents an option to private therapy. We hope they are useful, time saving, and money saving.
Visual discrimination helps a child to see subtle differences between objects or pictures and to see if something matches up. This visual perceptual skill can be described as “paying attention to detail”.
This program has 8 Pages With the high cost of living, Able2learn created the matching program for you to practice with your child. Matching is an important skill in academics and,...
This program has 13 Pages Visual Discrimination is the ability of the child to be aware of the distinctive features of forms including shape, orientation, size, and color.
This Book Has 25 Pages This adapted book w
This program has 13 Pages Visual Discrimination is the ability of the child to be aware of the distinctive features of forms including shape, orientation, size, and color.
This Teaching Resource WorkBook Has 31 Pages Learn about science and farm animals in this fun and interac