
I Can Wait For Help Social Story: Pages 7

I Can Wait For Help Social Story: Pages 7

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Free I Can Wait For Help  Social Story: Pages 7


The Free Social Story I Can Wait For Help is part of our school expectations series. Why have I concentrated on this topic? For many reasons. As my own son made a transition from ABA Therapy to a school setting he did not have the school skills or was exposed to the rules of a classroom. If you start to think about all the small details, there are so many rules for our children to learn. 

In the school series I have begun to break down all the little rules typically developing children learn. I know how important integration is, and how the importance of having these opportunities to learn social skills amongst peers. I have also read many sad news stories where kids are often sent home , as teachers are not equipped to help the child. I hope buy teaching some of these rules and by providing the necessary learning tools I am able to help your child stay in the classroom and be successful. 

I hope these tools are useful to the many special education teachers who work hard to help our children.

Remember make it fun.

 This is a great free ABA Resource, school education program, social story and free printable worksheet for your students as part of a home living program, parental resources and school program to reinforce important skills for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities.

 The resource can be laminated for longevity and used in the classroom or at home to help your child learn an essential life skill.

 Check out our other great social stories for teachers and students. We have many social stories you can download for your student.

 From our family to yours, we encourage learning and hope you enjoy these materials. I want to see all of our children reach their best potential.


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1 Review

  • 5
    Social Story

    Posted by Jonathan Martinez on 2022 Mar 30th

    Great short social story to read with my students.