276 Carlaw Ave #200
Toronto, Ontario
Asking for help can be difficult for many children. How do you ask for help? When do you ask for help? How do you teach a child to ask for help. These are important life skills for a child to learn especially in a classroom. Parents can reinforce rules at home by reading the social story, and teachers can use this social story to teach and reinforce important classroom skills.
For my own child Niam, when he moved from ABA Therapy to being in a classroom he was overwhelmed with all the classroom rules and expectations other children take for granted. Niam needs support to learn all of the expectations. I am currently working with Niam's most amazing school and teacher on goals. She sets the goals by sending home a very detailed IEP - its pages long, and she than breaks down the tasks to now overwhelm him. At home, I use reinforce the same goals at home. I usually use the social stories to talk about the different rules and ask questions, role play and as a bed time story.
Remember make it fun.
This is a great free ABA Resource, school education program, social story and free printable worksheet for your students as part of a home living program, parental resources and school program to reinforce important skills for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities.
The resource can be laminated for longevity and used in the classroom or at home to help your child learn an essential life skill.
Check out our other great social stories for teachers and students. We have many social stories you can download for your student.
From our family to yours, we encourage learning and hope you enjoy these materials. I want to see all of our children reach their best potential.
Please leave some feedback and share us on social media.
Posted by Sonya Sinclair on 2021 Aug 29th
Posted by Seema on 2017 Aug 10th
Thank you so much for the social stories that you so kindly share. I am a mom with a child on the autism spectrum and I have started a centre for children with ASD last November. I guide all my parents to your resources. They find them extremely helpful. It also gives me ideas to write my own social stories for older kids.
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