276 Carlaw Ave #200
Toronto, Ontario
Print, laminate and cut out. Punch a hole in the right corner and feed through a key ring for easy carry and access.
Emotion regulation is the ability to exert control over one's own emotional state It may involve behaviours such as rethinking a challenging situation to reduce anger or anxiety, hiding visible signs of sadness or fear, or focusing on reasons to feel happy or calm.
The Self-Regulation Visual Feelings Board
Understanding your zones, calming corner tools, identifying emotions helps students gain skills in consciously regulating their actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem solving abilities.
Rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy, the Zones of Regulation is a framework that uses four colors- blue, green, yellow and red- to help students identify their feelings and level of alertness.
The BLUE Zone is tired, sad: For example, getting ready to goto bed
The Green Zone is calm , happy: For example, doing a puzzle at the table
The Yellow Zone is silly, frustrated: For example, playing chase game with friends
The Red Zone is angry, out of control: For example, jumping with excitement
This poster can be printed out and laminated. It can be placed in a binder or placed around the classroom, in the home, to help students recongize how they are feeling at a particular moment. It is great for communication.
We hope this resources will be helpful to your student or child.
Please leave some feedback and share us on social media.
Rohan and Nina
Posted by Leslie Smith on 2024 Aug 15th
Thank you
Zones of Regulation Visual Feelings On A Key Ring: Pages 1 Print, laminate and cut out. Punch a hole in the right corner and feed through a key ring for easy carry and access. Emotion...
Zones of Regulation Feelings Visual Board: Pages 2 Emotion regulation is the ability to exert control over one's own emotional state It may involve behaviours such as rethinking a challenging...
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