A visit to the doctor can be very traumatic for children. The fear of needles, the doctor and the unknown can cause anxiety. Read this social story to your child to explain what happens when you get blood taken. Take the free I Can Give Blood Social Story with you to the doctors office and review each step before it is going to happen. Try to ease your child's fear.
There was a time when we had to hold my son Niam down to get any blood work. He was terrified and I dreaded the visits. As he got older we required more people to help him. I thought to myself, this is not the solution. I decided I was going to do something about it. I used socials stories to help to explain to Niam the procedure. I followed it up with a reward, a trip to Starbucks for one of their great chocolate chip cookies.
I'm happy to report , Niam can take blood by himself. It is possible. Hope you have the same results. Don't worry if you don't, be patient, it takes time.
This is a great free ABA Resource, school education program, social story and free printable worksheet for your students as part of a home living program, parental resources and school program to reinforce important skills for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities.
The resource can be laminated for longevity and used in the classroom or at home to help your child learn an essential life skill.
Check out our other great social stories for teachers and students. We have many social stories you can download for your student.
From our family to yours, we encourage learning and hope you enjoy these materials. I want to see all of our children reach their best potential.
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The lay out was great for a reader and also with board marker pix to help student to understand
I love your products. This one however had two errors which I hope you would correct. 1) The title should be I can give blood, not I can get blood. 2) The spelling is vial not vile. Other than that the product is great and I love to use it!
So detailed it my son loves this!