276 Carlaw Ave #200
Toronto, Ontario
Free I Will Not Giggling Social Story: Pages 9 I have been creating a large selection of free social stories on school rules and classroom expectations. My own son had difficulty...
The social story on How To Order Coffee is part of our functional skills academics I have a son with Autism who is now 20 years old. I know the importance of teaching functional skills...
What Is A Gift Social Story: Pages 7 There are many occasions when a child may give a gift to a another person. Giving and receiving gifts are important. There are etiquette rules that...
Free Autism Story: Where Is The Mouse? Autism Story: This Package Includes : 23 pages "Where Is The Mouse?" is a Free Autism Story. Teachers can download the free Autism...
What Is An Airplane Social Story: Pages 7 What Is An Airplane Social Story is part 1 of a series of social stories, explaining the concept of flying, what is a trip, how to prepare...