276 Carlaw Ave #200
Toronto, Ontario
This Free Teaching Resource Has 15 Pages
In this program, the student stacks the blocks from largest to smallest or, can arrange the blocks from largest to smallest, or smallest to largest in a straight line.
The student can also sort the blocks by colour. The Teacher, Therapist or Parent prints out the blocks and by gluing or taping can assemble the 3d blocks.
This program works on math skills and visual discrimination at the same time.
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This Free Teaching Resource Has 15 Pages In this program, the student can arrange the cones from largest to smallest, or smallest to largest in a straight line.
This program has 10 Pages With the high cost of living, Able2learn created the Sort By Feature program for you to practice with your child. Sorting is an important skill in academics...
Sort By Class Program With Sorting Mat, Enviornment Pictures: Pages 12 Understanding words and how they relate to each other is important for language development. This is a great program to help...
Sort By Class Program With Sorting Mat, Real Photographs Pictures: Pages 12 Understanding words and how they relate to each other is important for language development. This is a great program to...
Sort By Class Program With Sorting Mat, Black and White Pictures: Pages 12 Understanding words and how they relate to each other is important for language development. This is a great program to...