It Is Not Okay To Be A Bully Boys Version: 24 Pages
Has your child every been bullied? Mine has on several occassions, and surprisingly by educated adults too. I created this book for our children to understand what is a bully, who they may act and how to recognize one. Research shows our kids are more likely to be bullied. We try to do our best to protect them. We can advocate for education, awareness and we must , equip our kids with practical strategies. Unfortunatley, not everyone is nice or tolerant. Mental Health and Bullying is a very important issue today. Discussing how your feelings, having coping strategies are very important in today's world. This poster can be downloaded, cut out, laminated ( optional) and used by teachers , students and parents. Use this poster to go over strategies with your child. This poster can be put into a strategy book for your student, and or placed on the wall of their room or a teachers room for reminder of coping strategies. Pair this resource with the Anxiety or Coping Flashcards. These can be cut out and placed in a key ring to remind the student/child of strategies. These are not just for children and adults with Autism but for the average person. Everyone has stresses, and everyone has stresses in their lives. We can all benefit from coping strategies.
Use these with your students to let them know it is okay to have anxiety but it is important to have coping strategies.
It is important to teach that we must be patient and considerate with somene else's disabiity or mental health. Learning how to be positive and caring for someone else is important. We never know what has happened in someone's life, and a spontaneous gesture of caring might just be what they needed. Use these cards as part of a anti-bullying class.
The intent of this section is to address the issues of Mental Health and Bullying by, not only sharing research and creating awareness, but also by creating practical resources to teach students of all ages. If Mental Health and Bullying is incorporated into the school curriculum, and places of business for customers, members and staff we feel this type of awareness can provide students with an understanding of how to manage their mental health throughout their lives. Furthermore, students will learn what is
Mental Health, how to recognize their feelings, what are the signs and symptoms and what strategies can they use to manage their mental health throughout their lives.
We hope you find the resources useful. We are creating many materials around this topic in an easy to use format with simple sentences and graphics. We have broken down the topics in books and simple useful resources.
If you have comments, suggestions and would like to share material or research for our large audience
please send it to use at or
From our family to yours, we encourage learning and hope you enjoy these materials. We want to see all of our children reach their best potential.
This is a great free ABA Resource, school education program, social story and free printable worksheet for your students as part of a home living program, parental resources and school program to reinforce important skills for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities.
The resource can be laminated for longevity and used in the classroom or at home to help your child learn an essential life skill.
Check out our other great social stories for teachers and students. We have many social stories you can download for your student.
From our family to yours, we encourage learning and hope you enjoy these materials. We want to see all of our children reach their best potential.
Please leave some feedback and share us on social media.
Rohan and Nina Jain