What To Do During March Break With Your Child?
Posted by Nina Jain on 2016 Mar 6th
With March Break around the corner, you are probably wondering how to occupy your child's day.
We have put together a few idea for you to teach your child independent daily living skills. Teaching life lessons are important to teach at any age. The break can be a fun and engaging classroom. Here are a few ideas.
1. Learning to cook is important for independence.
Choose a recipe from our selection of visual recipes from www.able2learn.com. Print it out. There is pre-made grocery list. Take the grocery list to the grocery store. The child is able to learn where to find items, how to make and read a grocery list, stand in line, check out, pay for groceries, and receive appropriate change.
Once back home, teach your child where groceries are put away. The child can learn which items belong in the fridge , the freezer and the cupboards.
Your child will learn how to follow instructions, comprehension, learn about measurement and cooking equipment. The best part will be encouraging your child to eat. Cook a dish your child loves, and an item they many not desire, but someone else in the family likes to eat. Take the opportunity to teach your child to cook for someone else. Cooking can be a hobby, that could lead into a future job.
Did you know adults living with ASD have shockingly low independent living skills with less than 5% living on their own. 45% require 24 hour care and live with their aging parents. Less than 10% have necessary independent day-to-day household skills such as laundry, chores, and meal preparation.
2. Take this time to work on academic skills.
Pick one item you would like to work on with your child. Remember it is march break. Learning should be fun. Look through our fun resources or our academic site to pick a topic. Our programs are fun and engaging with colour pictures and, built in visual supports. Do some colouring, printing or one of our adapted books.
3. Take your child on excursions. Some nice places to visit in the city is the science centre, museum or simply the movie theater. Create a visual schedule for your child. Encourage your child to independently buy tickets, navigate and, decide when they are tired and ready to go home. Take pictures. The next day create a excursion book. Talk about it and write about it. Use one of our guided journals to create a story.
Remember, the most important is to have FUN!