


Posted by Nina Jain on 2016 May 21st

To ease integration into lesson planning, in the core subjects of reading, math, writing and language development, we have created many adapted books that are easily accessible, easy to use and administer,  in a classroom setting, or at home, with children at various  levels. They are printable worksheets that are great for preschoolers, early readers, visual learners and as Autism Education Resources.


Our adapted books come in various themes, this is to address several issues teachers and therapists can encounter in teaching of literacy. They are printable worksheets and, can be put in a three ring binder to create a book.  Some children may require additional practice, we recommend laminating the book and, the same skills are taught in different books of various themes to motivate students. 




1. Classrooms are often diverse, with students at various levels, our adapted books  come in three levels, allows the teacher to teach one lesson with students having the level of adapted book that is appropriate for their ability. These books can help with allowing for a inclusive classroom to include all children including those who require specialized Autism Education Resources.


2. Our adapted books come in different themes, allowing the teacher to choose a motivating theme for the student, like body parts, animals, transportation, fruits, vegetables.  


 3. Adapted books come in different levels, allowing the child to graduate to different levels of difficulty while reinforcing a academic skill. For example, The Counting Adapted Book Level 1, works on counting, number identification, colour identification, speech and sentence development with matching, Level 2 works on the same skills with guided printing ( the student graduates to printing), Level 3 , the student writes independently. There are visual prompts to help the student be successful.


4. Themes can be uses in other subject areas. For example, the fruits and vegetables can be used in a Science program. These can be used as a supplement for typically developing children and, as a Autism Visual Program.

5. The adapted books are cross curricular, thus allowing them to be used in various subject areas, but also in ABA programming, the adapted books, hit many of the targets in the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills- Revised , "ABLSS-R"  written by expert psychologist Dr. James Partington. Use one of our many data sheets to help track skills and progress of your student.


We have many adapted books, check out our awesome resources. We have made lesson planning, prep work easy for you. We have found our adapted books are a fantastic foundation for opening up the door to literacy. Many learners are visual learners and require additional prompts to be successful, and successful they can be, see in this step by step video how easy it is even for a parent to use our adapted books at home.  We hope our Visual Curriculum and Autism Education Resources are helpful in planning your homeschooling, or classroom.


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